In 2015 we started The Comic Art Workshop, a project development retreat for graphic storytellers. We set out to provide comics makers in Australia with an opportunity to be a part of a literary workshop designed specifically for comics.

The format was a 14 day retreat. Each day a new graphic novel would be examined in a formal workshop but we also did a lot of mucking around. We saw the Workshop is a space to draw, write, think, share skills, build friendships and collaborate.

Our 2015 retreat was held on Maria Island, a National Park about 100km from Hobart, Tasmania. It was beautiful and lonely. Baby Tasmanian devils came into our rooms and pinched our socks!

We went on bushwalks, told stories abandoned prison buildings and tried to find things that were impossible to draw.

We saw comic art workshop as a bit of an experiment. We wanted to see how comic artists responded to a 'creative writing' style workshop. We drew from the kind of practical workshopping traditions familiar to novelists, screenwriters and theatre makers in the hope of establishing a common language for talking about the overwhelming job of making long-form comics. It went really well. In the workshop sessions and in the unstructured time between the discussions were sensitive and rigorous.

For more:

- check out THIS VIDEO we made,

- or read THIS GREAT ARTICLE by 'embedded' journalist Pepi Ronalds in Kill Your Darlings,

- or download THIS SKETCHBOOK we created with drawings from the trip,

- or bore yourself stupid with THIS SCHOLARLY ARTICLE we wrote (a couple of us are actual "doctors").

"What I experienced at The Comic Art Workshop is at the forefront of professional arts development. It is an extreme boon to serious graphic artists to have this space, time and level of direct workshopping available. Any serious artist ready for the next level should apply. As a college instructor in graphic storytelling for 15 years, I have rarely (or never) seen this degree of space, time and direct workshopping available to professional artists"


"after working in something of a void for a long time, it was both challenging and eye-opening to participate in such supportive workshops. Everything about CAW, from the location to the facilitators to the organisers and the two weeks itself, was focused to honing and supporting all the workshop attendees. I don't even know how I created before this experience."


"The rich environment assisted to help focus the mind on to the broader matter of story telling. The light off the hills and the peak shrouded in mist, brought you to a place where you could think telescopically about your project with clarity and exactness.As a group of artists and writers we were able to look at each others work in as unsentimental light as possible and discuss the works in their formative stages, with great results."


"What Pat Grant and Liz MacFarlane have created is something very special: an intensive artists' retreat for cartoonists, entirely devoted to deepening the art form. As an instructor, I was awed and humbled by the strength of each participants' work, and as an artist, I felt rejuvenated and more committed to making comics after spending two weeks with them. There is no better place to go if you want to make better, deeper, more interesting work, and no better people to do it with"


"Words cannot describe how invaluable this workshop was. Not only for getting my own work read and workshopped by such talented, generous, and intelligent cartoonists, but for getting to read the work of others and feel so much a part of a cartooning community that is still new and fresh and exciting. It feels like the comic art workshop is one part of a beginning of a very rich comic art future in Australia."


"The ongoing professional support since the workshop ended has also been incredibly inspiring and motivating. I'm making comics faster and better since November, and for much of that I have to thank the team at The Comic Art Workshop. "


"As well as being physically nourished (we were all very well fed and watered), I felt artistically nourished. The workshopping itself was a fascinating experience. I had never workshopped one of my comics before – comic creating is quite a lonely sport — and opening yourself up to a whole group of people picking apart your work is terrifying. But as a testament to Liz’s skills at picking the participants and facilitating the workshops, what I got from the workshop was the best constructive criticism that I have ever received."